ThrivoSign Remote Signing Solution

ThrivoSign Remote Signing Solution offers an effortless PKI deployment for clients, including all necessary software for easy installation and maintenance.


ThrivoSign, a comprehensive Remote Signing Solution Platform integrating SSA, Web Manager, SIC, RSSP (CSC), vCSP and Signing API, aligns seamlessly with eIDAS standards. This versatile solution caters to entities of any size, offering an easy and affordable means to enhance digital communication and fortify trust in information security in our increasingly connected world. ThrivoSign incorporates diverse modules, ensuring effective users certificate lifecycle management within the eIDAS framework.

This alignment ensures that the platform adheres to the Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services regulation of the European Union, providing users with a secure and interoperable environment for electronic transactions.


Technology Stack

ThrivoSign support deployment option as below
SCAL #1 with Hardware Security Module
SCAL #2 with Signature Activation Module
In SCAL #1, deploying ThrivoSign with a Hardware Security Module (HSM) ensures robust security measures for digital signatures. The HSM safeguards cryptographic keys and performs cryptographic operations, enhancing the security of digital signatures generated within the platform. For example, in the context of T-RSSS (Trusted Remote Signature Service), integrating it with SCAL #1 ensures that public Certificate Authorities (CAs) can deploy their Remote Signature Services (RSS) with an added layer of security provided by the HSM.
In SCAL #2, leveraging the Signature Activation Module (SAM) offers an alternative deployment option for ThrivoSign, catering to specific needs or preferences. SAM facilitates the activation and management of digital signatures within the platform, streamlining the process for users and organizations. For public CAs looking to deploy RSS in SCAL #2, ThrivoSign provides a flexible environment where SAM can be utilized to optimize the deployment and management of remote signature services.

Why Certificate Authority need this?

ThrivoSign Software Appliance is a comprehensive solution for creating and verifying advanced digital signatures on any type of document, data or transaction. Business applications can rely on ThrivoSign Technology to ensure data integrity, user authentication, non-repudiation and long-term provability of information. It comply to PaDes requirements and cAeds.

Trust Service Provider

  • Secure document exchange
  • Digital transaction platform
  • Paperless workflow
  • Digitizing & Automating workflow

Strong Security

  • Strong authentication
  • Encrypted data storage

Mobile Technology

  • Sign and approve document
    from mobile

Electronic Signature Solution

  • Document-workflow solution
  • Agreement signing
  • Legal compliance
    (Digital Signature Act)

HSM & Smart Card Integration

  • Cryptography keys life cycle management

Paperless Workflow Engine

  • Improve efficiency
  • Customize approval rules 

Keys Features

ThrivoSign Software Appliance is a comprehensive solution for creating and verifying advanced digital signatured on any type of document, web form or transaction. Business applications can rely on ThrivoSign Technology to ensure data integrity, user authentication, non-repudiation and long-term provability of information.


Restful API

  • Simple and fast integration for developer
  • Seamless integration with application via iFrame

Mobile SDK

  • Generate mobile signature or authorize signing request from mobile
  • Secure storage for users signing keys

Cloud Signing

  • Complete document approval solution
  • Deployed on-premise, or in-country or with prefer cloud service provider

Signing Interface

Remote Signing

  • User signing keys are held server-side in a secure HSM or encrypted database

Local Signing

  • User signing keys are held locally on smart cards, USB tokens or secure software containers

Mobile Signing

  • User signing keys are held in the user’s mobile “Secure Element” hardware chip

Download, Deploy & Digitize

As more and more businesses move away from hand signatures towards digital signatures, they find themselves having to plan large-scale deployments. ThrivoSign team is experienced in implementing digital signature schemes in the most non-intrusive, secure, and scalable manner possible.

Deploy Fast & Secure Digital Signatures

Our Digital Signatures are secure, scalable, highly performant, and integrated with all of the tools and platforms currently in use. 

ThrivoSign Software Appliance can assist in deploying a digital signature scheme that meets all of your needs.


• Speed Up Process Documentation

• Simplify Document Management

• Improve Employee Engagement

• Digital Workspace For Millennials

• Save Cost, Time & Stay Compliance